2024-2025 CPP Fundraising Competition

What is this initiative? 

The Collective Philanthropy Project (CPP) Cabinet is hosting a fundraising competition for UVSA-Midwest member schools. This optional initiative allows VSAs to compete against each other in raising funds for the CPP beneficiary over the course of the school year. Participating VSAs will have the chance to win prizes and gain recognition for their efforts.

  • How Does it Work?

    Tier Assignment

    The CPP Cabinet has assigned each registered VSA to a tier based on its size to ensure fairness in the competition.


    VSAs will be responsible for raising funds and gathering donations for the CPP beneficiary. Donations should be sent to @annimuu on Venmo or finance@uvsamidwest.org on PayPal. Send a screenshot proof of donation to a POC (see “Point of Contact” slide) to be added to the leaderboard. 

  • How Does It Work?


    Track your VSA’s progress below on the UVSA-Midwest website's CPP Fundraising Challenge Page


    The CPP Cabinet will provide a presentation with information about CPP, the beneficiary, and the CPP Fundraising Competition, as well as a list of fundraising ideas for VSAs. 


    The top VSAs from each tier will receive an award at the 22nd VIA-1 conference. 

  • Point of Contacts

    Contact one of the CPP Fundraising Competition POCs with any questions, comments, or concerns. 

    Ann Vu

    Email: ann.vu@uvsamidwest.org

    FB Messenger: ​​https://www.facebook.com/annvu28/

    Matthew Tan

    Email: matthew.tan@uvsamidwest.org

    FB Messenger: https://www.facebook.com/mattychyuu

  • Fundraising Goal & Previous Year

    Last year, we raised $7,888.12 – let’s aim to surpass this! 

    Goal for this year: $10,000 

    Winners of each tier will receive a CPP Award at the 22nd VIA-1 conference.

    2023-2024 Winners: VSA at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign & University of Iowa VSA

Large School
CPP Fudraising Challenge - Tier 1
Rank School Amount
1 School 1 University of Iowa $533.00
2 School 4 The Ohio State University $460.50
3 School 2 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign $0
4 School 3 University of Illinois at Chicago $0
5 School 4 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor $0
6 School 4 University of Louisville $0

Large School
CPP Fundraising Challenge - Tier 2
Rank School Amount
1 School 1 Michigan State University $0
2 School 2 Saint Louis University $0
3 School 3 Grand Valley State University $0
4 School 4 University of Cincinnati $0
5 School 4 Purdue University $0
6 School 4 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities $0
7 School 4 University of Kansas $0

Large School
CPP Fudraising Challenge - Tier 3
Rank School Amount
1 School 4 Iowa State University $250.00
2 School 4 Denison University $106.00
3 School 2 University of Nebraska-Lincoln $0
4 School 3 Northwestern University $0
5 School 4 Loyola University Chicago $0
6 School 4 University of Missouri-Kansas City $0
7 School 1 University of Wisconsin-Madison $0